About Us

RIPITT Foundation is a Section 8 company established at IIIT Bhubaneswar, dedicated to enhancing research, innovation, projects, incubation, and technology transfer. As a Section 8 company under the Companies Act, 2013, we are recognized as a non-profit organization committed to promoting science, education, research, social welfare, and similar objectives. Our mission is to leverage the academic and research strengths of IIIT Bhubaneswar to address real-world challenges and support the growth of startups and entrepreneurial ventures.

Mission and Vision
Mission Vision
  • To establish a collaborative platform that excels in multidisciplinary research, focusing on transformative technologies that push forward the frontiers of knowledge.
  • To nurture and translate innovative ideas into viable products and solutions through a structured incubation process, driving economic growth and societal benefit.
  • To streamline the pathway from research to real-world application, ensuring that IIIT Bhubaneswar's innovations reach the market and the community efficiently and effectively.
  • To actively engage with industry partners and policymakers, ensuring that the research conducted is both relevant and impactful, addressing the pressing needs of today's society.
  • To position IIIT Bhubaneswar as a global leader in engineering research and innovation, renowned for its contribution to advancing technology and science.
  • To create a legacy of pioneering research that not only leads to academic accolades but also catalyzes change and development in the broader community.
  • To be a hub of entrepreneurial success, where innovative startups are born, nurtured, and launched into successful enterprises with a global reach.
  • To enhance a sustainable research environment that prioritizes ethical practices, inclusivity, and a commitment to improving the quality of life through technological innovation.
  • Our Objectives
    Category Description
    Innovative Solutions: Develop cutting-edge solutions for real-world problems, enhancing industry standards and societal well-being.
    Incubation Ecosystem: Establish a robust incubation environment that supports and accelerates the development of startups from ideation to market entry.
    Startup Support: Provide startups with essential tools, mentorship, and resources to transform innovative ideas into successful businesses.
    Entrepreneurial Environment: Create a supportive ecosystem for new businesses and entrepreneurs, offering comprehensive support to student entrepreneurs.
    Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Promote collaboration across various fields of study, focusing on new solutions and technology improvements.
    Consultancy Services: Offer specialized consultancy to businesses and public sector projects, leveraging advanced research capabilities to address specific industry problems.
    Knowledge Dissemination: Organize workshops, seminars, and conferences to disseminate knowledge and bridge the gap between academic research and industry needs.
    Exhibit Progress: Annually showcase the progress and outcomes of research projects, highlighting practical implementations and advancements.
    State-of-the-Art Facilities: Facilitate access to cutting-edge facilities and resources for researchers.
    Technology Transfer: Facilitate the transition of breakthrough innovations from the research lab to market applications through strategic technology transfer agreements.
    Intellectual Property: Support the creation and protection of intellectual property.
    Industry and Academic Partnerships: Cultivate partnerships with industry leaders and academic institutions.
    Sustainable Technologies: Drive initiatives for sustainable and eco-friendly technologies.
    Skill Development: Enhance skill development through mentorship and training programs.
    Community Outreach: Engage in community outreach programs to promote science and technology awareness.
    Global Collaboration: Establish a platform for global research collaboration.
    Ethical Practices: Prioritize ethical considerations and responsible research practices.
    Data-Driven Research: Implement data-driven approaches for research and innovation.
    Student Research: Encourage student-led research projects and initiatives.
    Digital Technologies: Explore new frontiers in AI, IoT, robotics, and other digital technologies.
    Practical Solutions: Transform innovative ideas into practical solutions with societal impact.
    Pioneering Research: Promote pioneering research in state-of-the-art technologies.
    National Contribution: Contribute to the national goal of making India a global leader in science and technology.
    Environmental Conservation: Leverage research for environmental conservation and sustainable development, aligning with national and state priorities.
    Healthcare Innovation: Enhance healthcare outcomes through medical research and innovation.
    Government Digitization: Assist in the digitization efforts of government services by developing and implementing relevant technologies.
    Youth Participation: Encourage youth participation in research, aligning with national educational goals and policies.
    High-Impact Publications: Aim to produce high-impact publications and secure patents that showcase leading-edge research.
    ML and Big Data: Spearhead innovative ML algorithms and utilize big data analytics to address complex societal challenges and inform decision-making processes.
    Software Development: Design and develop robust software systems that streamline operations and introduce efficiencies in organizational workflows.
    User-Centric Applications: Foster the creation of user-centric applications that address real-world needs, improving accessibility and user engagement.
    Tangible Projects: Translate theoretical research into tangible projects, emphasizing practical applications that can be adopted by industry and society for immediate impact.

    Get In Touch!

    B104, IIIT Bhubaneswar, Gothapatna, Odisha, India 751003
    Monday - Friday (10:00 am to 5:00 pm)
    Saturday - Sunday (12:00 am to 6:00 pm)
    Created and Designed by Anurag Singh